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Here's a quick update on what's happening with our ministry and how you can pray:

1) My family and I just concluded a 9+ week, 65 day, 29 state, 12,000 mile road trip that took us to the Rocky Mountains, the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes, New England, New York, the Carolinas, and the Deep South. Opportunities abounded on this trip to share about what God is doing in China! We also made new friends, met old ones, and spent time with many of our loved ones. Praise God for keeping us safe (and sane) on such a long trip with our three little ones in tow. 

Please pray that the Lord would provide the rest of our needed support so we can return to China soon!

2) While we were traveling, we had a large team visit our target region in northwest China. I made schedules for the teams and kept in contact with them as they spent weeks ministering among Muslims and Tibetan Buddhists in some of the most unreached areas of the planet! All in all, the four teams (25+ people!) spent time in dozens of remote, needy locations and left us with many new contacts. 

Pray for Jose and Eloisa as they begin the work of following up with these people!

3) We are getting ready to host the largest Bible-smuggling and tract-distributing team in the history of our ministry! In December, 20 people from all over North America will carry literally TONS of Bibles and tracts into China and then spend 3 weeks crisscrossing the country distributing Christian literature, sharing the Gospel one-on-one, and praying for the unreached. All in all, they will visit nearly 70 distinct locations and distribute tens of thousands of Bibles and tracts.

Please pray for me (as I prepare their itineraries), for each of these people (wisdom, protection, boldness), and for the countless thousands who will hear/read the Gospel for the first time as a result of their labors!