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My list of 33 ways to support missionaries has been taken and slightly adapted from this post. From experience I can attest that if you do any of these things you will indeed be a blessing to a missionary!

33 Ways to Support Missionaries

Create mission awareness:

  • Create interest in mission—invite missionaries, have a world map in the church hall, mission information, adopt an unreached people group (prayer, info).

  • Place missionary books on the church bookstall and in the church library.

  • Give missionary books as a gift to specific people.


Prayer Support:

  • Form a missionary prayer group, prayer initiatives.

  • Pray with the help of Operation World (Patrick Johnstone), “Pray through the 10/40 Windows” etc.

  • Participate in prayer initiatives like “30 days of Prayer for the Islamic World.”


Keep in touch—keep informed:

  • Write to the missionary regularly (letter, fax, email) or call him/her and encourage and inform, send a church newsletter, front page of local newspaper, video of church activities, photos, give out addressed aerogrammes in the church and encourage others to keep in touch, too.

  • Children to keep in touch with the missionaries’ children.

  • Be a link person between the missionary and his/her home church. Give out prayer requests in church services, read out excerpts from personal letters, newsletters, show videos, display small items etc. Create a missionary interest in the church.

  • Send presents (small parcels: e.g. children’s books, videos, cassettes) esp. at Christmas, birthdays etc.

  • Edit, format, print and mail the missionary’s prayer letter, keep the address list up to date.

  • Arrange for the local newspaper or a Christian journal to include articles about the missionary and his/her work.

  • Short-term ministry with missionaries (do house keeping for them, care for their children, help with computers, counsel, preach, teach the missionary and his/her colleagues or church members etc. on subjects you are expert in if those subjects are of interest to them).


Practical support:

  • Help in financial and legal matters back home (bank accounts, financial transactions, investments, insurance policies, tax declarations, inheritance)

  • Give advice on computers, electronic media, software, medical matters, schooling options.

  • Get and send medicines, spare parts, books, children’s materials, local newspaper clips.

  • Visit the missionary’s elderly relatives, especially on anniversaries and birthdays, provide care on behalf of the missionary, attend funerals of his/her relatives.


Financial support:

  • Support the missionary personally.

  • Be creative in fund raising, organize a bazaar, art or handicraft exhibition, Gift Day, sponsored walk.

  • Suggest the missionary’s ministry as special Christmas project to the local newspaper.


Welcome back:

  • Welcome him/her at the airport and arrange for transportation.

  • Provide accommodation, furniture, household items, food.

  • Provide a car for use during home assignment.

  • Provide a holiday flat (or let the missionary ‘house-sit’ for you while you are away), arrange weekends away, lend a caravan, take the children on outings.


Deputation work:

  • Get invitations from churches, schools, youth groups, students’ groups, house groups, church house parties, clubs, societies etc.).

  • Introduce the missionary to interested friends.

  • Plan evangelistic activities together with the missionary (open-air meetings, visits to refugee hostels, university campus, student hostel). Visit neighbors from other cultural backgrounds.

  • Invite the missionary to your church retreat (as guest speaker).

  • Make helpful suggestions for improving e.g. slide presentations, preaching (make aware of changes in culture in the home country—a missionary may not be aware when he comes across as a bit ‘odd’!).

  • Set up an interview with a local newspaper, local radio/TV, Christian journals—wonderful opportunities to give a testimony.

  • Plan the deputation work for/with the missionary.


Children’s education:

  • Send school books & material, instructive and other books in the children’s native language.

  • Take the missionaries’ children into your family if they need to stay on in the home country for higher education, vocational training etc.

7 responses to “33 Creative Ways to Support Missionaries”

  1. I want to encourage a young female missionary I know. I would like for all the women of my church to get together for an morning or afternoon burch where we could do something special for her. Would you have any suggestions for me.


  2. Am a missionaries to all nation,based in Kenya an asking for education support so as to study Denmark language,and preach in Europe,Chile,Japan Chicago,Australia Congo and zambia

  3. Practical support: some great ideas there. As an American overseas church worker in France, and a not-very-savvy person, I especially appreciate the line: Help in financial and legal matters back home (bank accounts, financial transactions, investments, insurance policies, tax declarations, inheritance).
    But you know what? A GREAT way to help any missionary over 60 is to alert them to the deadline for signing up for MEDICARE, and also create a SIMPLE to-do list and explanation sheet to help us navigate this very confusing area. Plus, an email address or even a phone number (better!) where we could ask questions. If you think our mission boards should be helping us on this…. well, the general operating costs are already so high, that they might need to hire an extra person to do this. And they don’t hire that person to “hold our hand”. And I don’t think they should.
    Thanks so much for your great ideas!