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Peru is a very unique place. If you don´t care much for dirty, crowded, hazy, costal Lima, you can always escape to one of Peru´s numerous mountain cities in the Andes, or even the hot, tropical jungle towns in the Amazon.

This weekend I happen to be visiting the city of Huanuco, which is situated in a geographical region known as the ´seja de selva´, which roughly means ´where the highlands meet the jungle´.

Huanuco sits at an elevation just above 6,000 ft. and the mountains immediately surrounding the city are enormous and likely tower as high as 10,000 ft. But it is also a very green and tropical city, quite different from the drier highlands of Peru´s Andes Mountains. The picture to the left is of the Huanuco City Square.

We are here visiting a young man named Ephraim, who is praying about becoming a missionary to China-Tibet in the near future. He is not from here, but is here teaching in a small missionary school that is training young people from this region to take the Gospel throughout Peru and to the world.