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Our new daughter, Ariel Susana West, was born on Monday evening, March 26, at 10:34 p.m. here in Northwest China.

She is a healthy little girl, and was born weighing 7 lbs 8 ounces, even though she was a full 12 days premature.

We are now back in our apartment after two restless days at the hospital and mommy and her daughter Ariel are resting well.

Gabriel is working on getting used to not being the complete center of attention…but I think he will make it.

It will be nice to funnel all his energy into watching out for and taking care of his little sister. Rumor has it that there will be a big brother/little sister pic posted on this blog soon, if the two little ones behave enough to get it taken.

8 responses to “Ariel Susana West”

  1. She is just lovely! I work with Susan West, the proud grandma, and am delighted to get to see pics this soon. What a beautiful baby. I know that her big brother must be very proud of her and will be a big help to his mom. Congrats! By the way, Grandma Susan was crying with tears of joy yesterday. It was fun to see her about to implode since she could not be there at the time of the big arrival.

  2. What a beautiful little girl you have Deysi and Ben! Congratulations, Gabriel, on being a big brother. I know your grandparents are so proud – and of course Great Grandma West:)

    Deysi, you look positively radiant. One would not know you had just “labored” through a delivery.

    God bless all of you!

  3. Congratulations you guys! Ariel is just as precious as can be! I’m so excited for your growing family! Love you guys,
    Katherine =)

  4. Hey Eugene and Cindy,

    CONGRATULATIONS! I am looking forward to seeing all of you here again soon.



  5. Well, Ben and Deysi, CONGRATULATIONS! What a beautiful baby girl you two (along with God) have created!
    Having performed the wedding ceremony for Dad and Mom, Laban and Susie, and seeing you grow up in the Muse Memorial Church where we pastored for 20 years-Good chance I dedicated you, Ben and had a little bit of influence on you in your growing up years.
    It is thrilling to us to see you now in the ministry…where has the years gone? We are so proud of you and your family and what you are doing for the Lord.
    Needless to say we would love to get our hands on baby Ariel (and Gabriel) but must be content for “Granny Susie” to do it.
    God Bless you and keep you, Ben and Deysi.

  6. Ariel is so beautiful! She looks very delicate in her little pink sleeper. Deysi, you look incredible. If it wasn’t for little tiny Ariel in the photo, I don’t think anyone would believe you just gave birth. You look like you didn’t exert yourself at all. I’m glad the birth went so well. Congratulations to Mom, Dad, and big brother. Being a big brother is a very important job, and I’m sure Gabriel will be great at it. Love to you all.