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The other day, as I was thinking and praying about how God would have me to order my life and my time, I came up with a list of how I should order my affections beginning with the most important One in my life. Here is that list together with the Bible verses I studied that day:
1. God (Ex. 20:3-4)
2. My wife (Eph. 5:25-33)
3. My children (Ephesians. 6:4)
4. My extended family (1 Timothy 5:8)
5. The Body of Christ or the Church (Gal. 6:10)
6. My Neighbor, ie, the Whole World (Luke 24:47)
I encourage you to study these verses to see if this is indeed the Biblical framework for how our love should be poured out to those around us. How many problems have we heard of or been guilty of as a result of getting these priorities mixed up? Immediately, numerous examples come to mind!