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It seems like all of the major bills we have to pay each year have come due right now at the same time.

Our yearly rental payment for our ministry base in Peru, the rent for our home in Asia’s Highlands, our yearly internet bill here at our home, and a variety of other bills have all come due right at this time, and we are really stretching to be able to pay all of them on time.

Part of the reason for the stretch is because it is also the beginning of the month and we have monthly expenses due. Our missionaries need their monthly food allowance. We have to pay the phone, electric, and water bills. My cell phone has given up the ghost and I need to go looking for another one.

So if there was ever a time when we needed a little boost financially, it is now. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, you can either click on the “Support Me” link to the left of this page, or send a check earmarked for “Eugene in China” to the following address:

Gospel to the Nations
PO Box 326
Dayton, OH  45405

Year-end donation receipts will be sent for all gifts. Thank you for any help you might be able to provide and for keeping us in prayer always!