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Book of the Week (Year)  (Aug 26, 2008-Oct 7, 2009)

The above quotes were taken from this book on Spurgeon, by Steve Miller. This is a very powerful, practical read!
Interestingly enough, I purchased my copy of this book from a small Christian bookstore in a Malaysian mall in the city of Kuantan. For those of you who don’t know, the majority of Malaysians are Muslim (60%). About 30% of Malaysians are of Chinese descent, and many of these are Christians.
Book of the Week  (Aug 19-25, 2008)
I have been encouraged recently to get a hold of the MacArthur Study Bible, because of its usefulness in helping to explain many of the more difficult to understand passages in the Bible. I plan to get my copy when I am home in Oklahoma this fall!

Book of the Week (Aug 12-18, 2008)

I first read “The Problem of Pain” many years ago, as a junior in high school. 

I recommend the book despite a few issues that I have with Lewis’s apparent belief in a type of “Christian” evolution.


Book of the Week (Aug 5-11, 2008)

“This World: Playground or Battleground” was a huge blessing to me back in 2003, during my first full year as a missionary in China. I highly recommend it!
Read an excerpt from this book that I posted two years ago.