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I have spent the past couple hours surfing the web for info on starting a business in Iran. I was surprised to find that the process looks very simple and straightforward. Iran even has a number of Free-Trade Zones that allow foreign-invested businesses to be founded without all the normal paperwork and hassles.

Why do I share this? Well, because just about the only way that a missionary is going to get permission to live long-term in Iran, is by going as a Tentmaker. Iran currently does not allow (and most likely will continue to not allow) known Christian missionaries to enter its borders. Creative Christians are needed to find ways to legally live and work inside Iran in order for the Gospel to be shared with its people!

Jesus the Carpenter and Paul the Tentmaker are good examples for us to follow. Without a doubt, for the Gospel to be preached in Iran somebody is going to have to do something! Why not use business as the bridge into this very closed nation?