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This is about the time during our visit to the United States where we realize that we still have an awful lot of stuff to do and people to see, but that we are running out of time to get everything done.

Even though we are not leaving home in Oklahoma City on our way back to China until January 27th, I can count on one hand (3 fingers, actually) the number of complete days that I have left here in the USA to see friends and family and wrap up any other unfinished business.

I am in Atlanta right now, waiting for my flight to leave in just an hour or so for Lima, Peru. I will be south of the equator for the next 2 weeks on a trip that is turning out to be quite a timely and important visit for our ministry.

We are in the process of simplifying and streamlining our ministry (cutting out any useless expenses or busy work & focusing on simply sharing Christ and being Christ-like) and we have quite a few things that need to be reorganized and re-focused in the Peru arm of our ministry. That is why I will be down there for the next couple weeks.

Meanwhile, my wife and baby Gabriel are going to try and rest and enjoy some more relaxing time in Oklahoma with my parents, Great-Grandma Mabel, and my brother Zach.

Honestly, my wife and I have never been apart for very long since we have been married (3 weeks was the longest I think) and especially now that Gabriel is such a part of our lives I feel more awkward than I ever have to be travelling alone without my family.

To be sure, it is easier to travel by oneself and not have to worry about baby toys and dirty diapers and milk bottles, etc.. However, I can’t help but miss all of that at least a little bit as a stroll by myself through crowded, lonely airport terminals.