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Our [email protected] e-mail address is back and working again.

If you wrote us an e-mail in the past week or two, and never received a response, please resend it whenever you can.

The mountains in the picture are a crossroads of sorts in this region of northwestern China. Over the mountains to the right live hundreds of thousands of Tibetans, who are entrenched in their own form of Buddhism.

Over the mountains to the left is the home of over 1 million Chinese Muslims, including followers of all 3 major streams of Islam: Sunni, Shiite, and Suffi.

Behind where the picture was taken live another separate tribe of Muslims who immigrated to this region hundreds of years ago from somewhere in central Asia. Now there are over 100,000 of them living in this part of China, and less than 5 known Christians among them.

This region is our home, and our target for ministry. Please pray for us, and for all of these people!

2 responses to “E-mail Server Back Up!”

  1. thanks for sharing the beautiful scenery with us…and the great burden for souls in that region. let us know if we can pray for any particular needs- we love you