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It is just past midnight early in the morning of Christmas Eve and I am sitting at my desk in our chilly apartment in northwest China. The room temperature is about 55 degrees and it is probably about 15 degrees outside. Earlier this evening I received a wonderful early Christmas present. Let me tell you about it:

A few hours ago I sat down for a time of fellowship and prayer with a good friend of mine who became a Christian (formerly he was a Muslim) about 2 1/2 years ago. My friend has had some ups and downs in his walk during the past couple of years but has always maintained that he truly does trust in Jesus as His Savior.

Well, today as we prayed together I really got the chance to glimpse into his heart much deeper than I ever had before. His words were extremely encouraging to me as I heard him recount to the Lord all the things (sins) that God had saved him from and how blessed he was to have been forgiven.

I had worried  at times for this young man’s salvation … wondering if he really truly “got it” and understood the Gospel and why he believes in Jesus Christ. Tonight my early Christmas present was the encouragement and joy of seeing firsthand how God has worked and is working in my friend’s heart.

Praise God for his salvation!