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I just received the following email from the missions pastor (a man who has spent more than a decade on the mission field himself) of a large church that has supported and encouraged us for years. This letter is a good example of the encouragement we have so often received from this body of believers. Although it is written primarily to those who are ministering overseas and spending Christmas away from home and their extended families, I think the simple reminders found here have a great chance of blessing and enhancing your Christmas in HIM whereever you find yourself today.


Merry Christmas to you and to your families! I hope this email finds you and your family and friends enjoying this Christmas Eve holiday or Christmas itself! As I send this email to you, it is early afternoon on Christmas Eve. Evening is just now starting to set in over the Great Smoky Mountains, and the forecast is calling for snow to begin tonight at about midnight. My family has spent the day together, playing games, watching TV, and of course, going out one last time into the fray to gather up last minute stocking stuffer gifts.

I know many of you are receiving this email in a place that has little if any outward indications that it is in fact, Christmas. To millions of your neighbors, tomorrow is just another day. Even if Christmas is celebrated in your location, to many still, it is just another day to worry about what they will eat, how they will stay warm, or what life holds for them that day. I remember feeling a little numb on Christmas Eve and Christmas, desiring to be with others who were celebrating Christmas back at home: opening presents, decorating trees, front yards, and shop windows, Christmas parties, cookies, egg nog, and most importantly, the Christmas worship.

Well, I have now lived in the US for almost four years now, and I have to say, that no matter where you are, if you are outside the US, I am a little envious of where you are celebrating Christmas this season. I hope that does not discourage you. Having returned to the US and have celebrated a few Christmases here, I have yet to have one that outshines many of the Christmas celebrations that my family celebrated overseas.

As I have pondered this now for two or three years, I have come to realize two things. One, celebrating the birth of our Savior overseas is more similar to the actual event. What a silent night. What a wonderful event that was so understated. How quiet it was throughout the rest of Bethlehem, Israel and the world. It was a very localized event that would impact the whole world! Tonight, wherever you are, go out and simply stare at the sky and listen to the quietness of what to many is just another winter evening. That is what it was like for those who were merely yards away from Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus. Secondly, I have learned that it is easier to embrace the true meaning of Christmas when we are not so distracted by the glitz and glitter of commercial Christmas. It is so hard to keep your focus on what Christmas really should be when you get caught up in gift buying, decorating the house, Christmas parties and all that goes into the hustle and bustle of commercial Christmas.

As you and your family enjoy the Truth and Hope of this season, Thank God for where you are. Most likely, you are in an environment that rivals the first Christmas more than the one I am in. I hope that warms your heart, because you then become Christmas to those around you who are lost and without hope.

I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It is pleasure to serve with you, and to continue to pray for you and partner with you until All have heard!!

One response to “Encouragement for Missionaries on Christmas Day”

  1. Eugene,
    Yes, the message is encourageing for you and all the others serving in places where the truth is not commonly know. Blessing on you and your family as you celebrate the reason you are there. Really enjoyed being with you last week. Looking forward to what this new year has in store as we work together for the Kingdom.