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For those of you who don´t know, my family and I (Ben, Daisy, Gabriel & Ariel) are currently on a 2 month trip to visit my family in Oklahoma and my wife’s family in Peru.

We are going to spend a total of just 3 1/2 weeks in Oklahoma and a total of almost 5 weeks in Peru with my wife’s family.

There are two primary purposes of this trip:

1. to spend quality time with both of our families and to actively share the Gospel and minister to my wife’s family in Peru. Please pray for my wife’s father and stepmother and her brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles. Some of them are open to the Gospel, but others are not.

2. to promote and raise more capital for our restaurant business in Asia’s Highlands. We have already invested $8000 during the past 6 months and have started a successful cafe in one of our target areas for ministry, but we are still required by the government to invest $8000 more within the next 6 months. We are planning to use the $8000 to start at least one more cafe in another area that we are targeting for ministry to Chinese Muslims and Tibetan Buddhists.

Please pray for our families and please pray that God would provide the $8000 that we still need to raise! Thank you!

If you want to get in contact with us while we are in the Western Hemisphere, please write anytime!


Ben, Daisy, Gabriel (22 months), Ariel (7 months)