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This has been a crazy year for us. As a result of the Tibetan riots back in March, we have lost well over $10,000 in our restaurant business due to the lack of any tourism. The government is just not letting any outsiders into this region, which is normally packed with tourists and backpackers right now.

Apart from that, the Mexican couple who work with us just found out that they are not going to be allowed to continue living where they are now. They are being forced to leave the Tibetan area where they live, and have to move all their stuff to a new apartment (which they stilll have to find) in the capital of our province about 4-5 hours away. This is going to amount to as much as $500 in moving costs.

They also have to apply to study Chinese at a local university (to get student visas), because the government will no longer give them work visas to work at our cafe in the Tibetan area. That is going to cost them about $1000 for this semester.

All this is happening as I write. They are going to have to move almost immediately and they applied just today at the university for this semester’s classes. If you would like to donate to help with these emergency costs for Jose and his wife, please write me asap. At the very least, please pray for us to have wisdom and much grace in this situation!

On a personal note, my family and I arrived this afternoon in a city not far from Hong Kong at the end of our 37 hour train trip! We are currently on our way back to the States. We will be in Hong Kong tomorrow, and we arrive in Los Angeles on Friday for a week with friends and family, before arriving in Oklahoma on the 13th.

But things don’t look good for when we return to China in January. We will probably also be denied visas to continue living where we live and will also have to pick up and move all of our stuff to a new city a couple hundred miles away. Just life as usual in the land of the free.

Please pray for us, and for all those who labor for Christ in closed nations around the globe!