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I’ve been a fan of Frank Peretti since almost before I could read. For as long as I can remember, my brother and I have enjoyed his books and audio messages (we used to love listening to a recording of him making fun of the New Age Movement). The first Frank Peretti book we ever read was from “The Cooper Kids Adventure Series”.
As a child, I can remember reading “The Door in the Dragon’s Throat” which described a wild adventure that took the Cooper kids and their father Dr. Cooper to the very door of the bottomless pit of Revelation. It was a scary story, but not hopeless. All of Frank Peretti’s adventure books feature God as the ultimate Sovereign and Victor.
I just recently read “Escape from the Island of Aquarius” for the first time (Yes, I still love these books!). Near the end there is a great scene where the island is disappearing into the ocean before their very eyes:
They looked behind them at the boiling ocean now closing over the island that no longer was.
“It’ll be just like it was never there,” said Lila.
“And so suddenly!” said Jay.
“Just like the whole world,” said Dr. Cooper.
“Ready or not, the Bible says it’s going to end someday.”
As I read this, Dr. Cooper’s statement caught me off guard. I was really into the story and then all of a sudden, there’s this practical application that crashes into my world. Yes, just like the island in the story, the world is going to end someday. Will I be ready?
I highly recommend all of the books in “The Cooper Kids Adventures Series” for anybody, but youth in particular. I can’t wait for my kids to get old enough to begin reading these books for themselves!
Here are the titles of each book in the series:
The Door in the Dragon’s Throat
Escape from the Island of Aquarius
The Tombs of Anak
Trapped at the Bottom of the Sea
The Secret of the Desert Stone
The Deadly Curse of Toco-Rey
The Legend of Annie Murphy
Mayday at Two Thousand Five Hundred
(Even now, as a so-called “adult”, I love indulging in these books whenever I have a rare few hours of leisure!)