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Here is a picture (not great, but the best I could get so far) of Gabriel and his little sister.

‘Little sister’ in Chinese is ‘Mei-mei’, so we are going to teach Gabriel to call Ariel Mei-Mei for now.

3 responses to “Gabriel & His Mei-mei”

  1. I love the look on Gabriel’s face here. It’s like it has just dawned on him that he’s no longer the star of the show. Sorry Gabe, that’s life haha;) I still love ya, little man.

  2. Hallelujah!! We were so surprised and happy to see these pictures. Ariel is incredible and beautiful. I think Gabriel looks older in the picture with him and his sister; it must be because he is realizing he is the older brother.

  3. Gabriel looks so adorable in this picture… like he isn’t sure if you should be taking a photo right now. They both look precious.