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“So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God.” Romans 14:12 (NASB)

Even though this “giving account” is not going to be a judgment deciding our eternity in either heaven or hell, but rather of rewards (see 1 Cor 3:13-15, 2 Cor 5:9-10), it is still frightening nonetheless.

First, just the thought of standing before God should make us collapse to the ground in awe and holy fear.

But imagine having to confess ALL of our deeds (or lack of “good” deeds) to God… will that day be a joy for us or a terror? As Christians will we be ashamed of the way we have wasted our lives? Or will we delight in being able to confess honestly that “for me to live was Christ and to die was gain”?

What would we do differently if we really believed that we will one day be required to give an account of our lives before the throne of God? This is not a hypothetical question. It is a reality for each one of us who are in Christ, and it may become a reality for you, or me, much earlier than we can imagine.

Therefore, let’s “make it our aim, whether present or absent [from Christ], to be well pleasing to Him.”

One response to “Giving Account to God”

  1. In the post above, where you see the underlined words “wasted our lives”, I link to the website “”.

    Well, I just found out that the audiobook of “Don’t Waste Your Life” by John Piper is FREE in November! ::

    Don’t miss this book!