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In China, I had been getting into a really good sleep schedule. I was actually going to bed early (for me) at around 11 p.m. each evening. I was waking up at 7:30 each morning and starting my daily routine by about 8.

But back here in Oklahoma, I have quickly fallen into a very old routine that I used to adhere to when I was in high school. I am finding that the quietest and best time to get stuff (paperwork, e-mail, letters, etc…) done is after everyone else has gone to sleep.

So here I am at 12, 1, or even 2 a.m. (right now it is 1:31 a.m.) each evening still busy doing 4 or 5 things at once both on the computer and on my desk. I will eventually make it to bed sometime before 3 a.m. and (unless someone wakes me up!) I will sleep to at least 9 in the morning, if not 10 or 11.

But that is usually ok, because in the morning I have a hard time getting focused anyway. Everyone is up and around and there are a lot of other things calling for attention. The problem today is that I really do have other things to do tomorrow morning as early as possible.

So I am stuck with things to do late in the evening and other stuff do early in the morning, and no time to sleep in between!

This is exactly how my life was like during most of high school. I would work at Ranchwood Nursing Center or The Children’s Center until close to midnight, come home and have a late dinner and relax for a bit, then finally get started on a little bit of homework and checking e-mail by 12:30 a.m. Getting to bed by 1 or 2 a.m. was the norm. And waking up at 7 in the morning to go to school.

So, please pray with me that I would find a good and sensible schedule for the few weeks we will be here in the USA. There is a ton of stuff to do, and not hardly enough time to get it all done.

One response to “Highschool Sleep Schedule”

  1. lol… here I am at 12:30 am, writing your wife and catching up on your blog. I guess I relate a little too well to this one!