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I love 2 Corinthians 9, especially verses 6-15. This passage is full of helpful admonition on the subject of giving! 

In verse 6, we are told that if we sow "sparingly" we will also "reap sparingly", and if we sow "bountifully" we will also "reap bountifully". It can't get any simpler than this. But we often see our gifts as going into some black hole, instead of into good soil that will bring forth fruit in abundance!

Verse 7 admonishes us to give cheerfully, "not grudgingly or under compulsion", but just as we have purposed in our heart to give. God wants our giving to come out of the overflow of the joy and the passion that we have for Christ!

Verses 8-10 show us that it is God Himself that provides everything that we have anyways. Who are we to fret, or to hoard what we have been given freely by His grace? God, the ultimate supplier, is He who will "multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness".

Verses 11-14 show us that all of these things (God supplying all our needs as we rely on Him and give generously to one another) work to produce thanksgiving to God from everyone involved! In verse 14 especially we see that the receiver of the gift (the church in Jerusalem) is praying for the giver of the gift (the Corinthians) and is "yearning" for them because of the surpassing grace of God manifested and proved by their generosity and love.

Verse 15 sums it all up beautifully (an understatement if there ever was one!) by reminding us that every gift ultimately comes from and points to Jesus Christ, the giver of all good things. 

"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!"


How to Give

As the year comes to a close, please pray for us, and if you feel led, pray about giving financially to support our work among the unreached in northwest China/Tibet. We do not often ask for donations, but we do have needs and rely primarily on the generosity of our friends, family, and brothers and sisters in Christ back home to continue doing what He has called us to do!

Specifically, if you will, please pray about becoming a regular supporter of one of our two Latino families (Jose, Eloisa and baby Daniel from Mexico and Jimmy, Gladys, and Milagros from Peru). These families sacrifice much more than most Americans to come to the field and they have next to no regular support. Please write me if you are interested in learning more about how you can help these co-workers of ours!

If you would like to make a donation for our ministry in Asia's Highlands, there are a couple of ways that you can do so. You can send a check  (see below for the address), or you can click on the following link provided by Paypal:

Click here to give via Paypal

All gifts are tax-deductible. You will receive a year-end receipt with the combine total of all donations made during that year. Please consider our ministry if you are looking to make year-end donations. Our ministry is growing as we are expanding into new areas of Asia's Highlands!

For those who prefer donating by check, just earmark your gift "Eugene in China" and send to the following address:

GTTN Ministries / PO BOX 326 / Dayton, OH / 45405

May God bless you as you give cheerfully!

Love in Him,
