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I never dreamed that I would one day make my home in some backwoods part of Asia’s Highlands.

But here I am.

The picture to the left is very typical of this region. Bad roads, big mountains, unreached people groups.

Tomorrow we head towards our Western home, in the heartland of America. Our visit will be about 8 weeks long. Not too short, but not too long either.

I think I have gotten to the point where I miss being away from Asia more than I miss being away from America.

God is moving here and He has definitely called us here. I can’t imagine spending my life anywhere else.

Please pray with us that the coming two months in America would be restful, joyful, and fruitful, as we visit family and friends and seek to share about what God is doing in Asia’s Highlands.

2 responses to “Home, Sweet Home”

  1. Have a great trip reconnecting back in America – give Gabriel a big hug for me… miss you guys!
    Katherine =)