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It has only been a couple of weeks since I finished reading Gospel-Powered Parenting by William P. Farley, and I already feel like I’d benefit greatly from reading it again.
In all honesty, this was one of the most helpful books I have ever read. I do not say that lightly. This book, with its unwavering focus on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how it “shapes and transforms parenting”, has helped to forever change the way I view my job as a father.
If you are someone who just can’t figure out what in the world the Gospel has to do with being a parent, then this book is definitely for you!
Here are a couple of gems from the book that I noted as I read it the first time:
“The primary focus of Christian parenting is not morality. Well-behaved children are not the ultimate end. Saving faith, deeply rooted in the children’s hearts, is the supreme goal of Christian parents. God saves the child who transfers all his trust from his own works to Christ’s and expresses that faith with repentance.” (pg 42)
“As men behold Christ, they are transformed into his image (2 Cor. 3:18). For men, it is the “image” and “likeness” of godly masculinity (Gen. 1:26). Christian men see Jesus dying for his church, and they want to die for their wives and children. They see Jesus leading as a servant, and they want to serve their families by leading.” (pg 139)
So if you are a parent, or know someone who is, please consider getting a copy of Gospel-Powered Parenting! You will not be disappointed.

3 responses to “How the Gospel Shapes and Transforms Parenting”

  1. Sounds like a really good book, and very needed for our day. While I don’t have children, nor am I married, it’s great to see an author that understands the gospel is not Christianity 101 and then we move on to bigger and better things (as Paul Washer has rightly noted), but speaks to every area of our lives.

  2. Thanks for sharing about the book, I used one of the quotes to finish up my Sunday School lesson for Father’s Day.
    Also- it was great to hear J. Piper mention your work a while back!
    Much love to your family, C.T.

  3. Thanks for the nice comments about “Gospel Powered Parenting.” It is comments like these that make all the work worthwhile. God’s rich blessings. Wm. P. Farley