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With the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics taking place just last evening, my mom wrote to me recommending that I write a blog about what is going on these days in the town in which we live.
However, I am afraid to write too much about the fact that we are currently living in what pretty much amounts to a “po-lice state” (see this article)as the Olym-pics begin in this great nation.
To put it simply, if I write too much about the details of life in our area and the increased presence of the “authorities” all over town and blocking every highway to keep any political unrest from occurring, our blog could easily be black-listed and we could even get in trouble and be forced to leave (deported) permanently.
So I am not going to say any more than what I already have.
By the way, in case you ever wondered why I don’t write too much about our daily activities or about the immediate region where we live, it is for this same reason: namely, that it is not safe for us to do so.
Please pray for us and for this nation, that laborers would be raised up, that the Gospel would be proclaimed, and that salvation would come to many!