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Today we almost got the car stuck trying to get to a mountain lake just above 10,000 ft.

I went a little ways down this really steep, one lane road that took us the last 1/4 mile to the lake, then realized that I might not ever make it back up again, because of the steepness, the mud, and the snow. So I stopped and tried reversing.

At first no luck, because we were already heading down and it was really steep and muddy. But I managed to get going in reverse and had to keep going for about 100 yards around a big U in the road to get back to the parking lot. As the tires screeched and spun on the rocks and mud, and the RPMs rose very close to the Danger level, the car managed to overheat just as I made it back to the safe, flat parking lot.

We ended up having to put snow on the engine and wait over half an hour for the thing to cool down so we could drive back down off the mountain.

I will see if I can post a picture of the lake later…