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God is good and he is working and dealing with us in many ways. We are continuing to learn the art of trusting in Him for all of our needs, as well as for His timing in seeing our friends and neighbors come to understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Please join us in prayer for the following people who have a part in our lives and who we are seeking to bring to the Lord:

– Aro (Tibetan who knows about the Bible, but still holds onto his Buddhist traditions)

– Xiama (young lady who is illiterate, but holds to Islam because that is her culture)

– Abram (teenager who is enjoys the company of Westerners, but is strictly Muslim)

– Menwei and family (Muslim family who live at our old apartment building. Extremely friendly man, but
culturally Muslim and in desperate need of Salvation in Jesus)

There are many more but these are the people who are more involved in our daily lives. I won’t say much more about each individual or family for simple safety reasons.

Thank you all once again for praying for us and supporting us in so many ways!

Blessings in Him,

Eugene, Daisy, Gabriel, & Ariel

PS. Check out
for some awesome online encouragement!

Way of the Master Radio has been a HUGE blessing to us and I think it is now on the air in many places all around the USA.