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This has been a busy week, to say the least. We finally arrived today back in China. We are staying the night tonight in a large southern Chinese city, waiting to head north on a train leaving here tomorrow at 2 p.m. We will switch trains on Saturday and then finally make it back home sometime in the evening on Sunday, September 3rd.

I am very tired tonight, so I won’t write anymore. Thank you for praying! We have had a great month.

One response to “Malaysia, Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong, & China … in 5 Days”

  1. Bless you and It is great you have had time to gbet away and refier you souls with His love by relaxation, Prayer and Study. Bless you dearly

    Brother Damon

    I am not longer at the church. I resigned July 2 and am retired.

    Bless you two dearly

    The Intrim Pastor at the CHurch is Gary Patterson. at 2010 S. Meridian Ave, Wichita, Ks, 67203 🙂