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As an American citizen who has lived overseas for the good part of the last 6 years and personally dealt with the immigration authorities in both China and Peru, I can attest that the following overview of Mexican immigration law is not the exception, but the norm, in most countries around the world today. America is the exception.
I am not saying that we should be like Mexico (or Peru or China), but rather pointing out the extreme hypocrisy of the Mexican position on immigration when they get angry at America for not gladly receiving more illegal immigrants while still enforcing their own nation’s very harsh immigration laws towards other people who come to live and work in Mexico.
The following is an introduction by Rush Limbaugh, followed by his original parody detailing Mexican immigration laws:
“The statement you’re a foreigner, shut your mouth and get out, was made, I did say it, but in a parody of Mexican immigration laws in a Morning Update April 6th of 2006.  

We were making fun of Mexican immigration laws by trying to point out the stark difference between what you can do as an immigrant or illegal immigrant in Mexico versus what they can do here.  Now, let me just give you some of the highlights of this.  “Everybody’s making immigration proposals these days.  Let me add mine to the mix.  Call it the Limbaugh Laws.  First, if you emigrate to our country–” Now, you have to keep in mind that when this Update ran, we’re in the midst of another one of these high-pressured debates of illegal immigration, and we have learned what Mexican immigration laws are.  I’m simply, in this Update, informing people what Mexican immigration laws are.”  

“Everybody’s making immigration proposals these days.  Let me add mine to the mix.  Call it the Limbaugh Laws.

First, if you emigrate to our country you have to speak the native languageYou have to be a professional or an investorNo unskilled workers allowed.  Also there will be no special bilingual programs in the schools with the Limbaugh Laws, no special ballots for elections, no government business will be conducted in your language, foreigners will not have the right to vote or hold political office
If you’re in our country, you cannot be a burden to taxpayersYou are not entitled to welfare, food stamps, or other government goodies.  You can come if you invest here an amount equal to $40,000 times the daily minimum wage.  If not, stay home.  But if you want to buy land it’s going to be restricted.  No waterfront, for instance.  As a foreigner, you must relinquish individual rights to the property.  And another thing, you don’t have the right to protest.  You’re allowed no demonstrations, no foreign flag waving, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies.  You’re a foreigner, either shut your mouth or get out.  And if you come here illegally, you’re going to jail
You think the Limbaugh Laws are harsh?  Well, every one of these laws I just mentioned are actual laws of Mexico today.  That’s how the Mexican government handles immigrants in their country, yet Mexicans come here illegally and protest in our streets.  How do you say double standard in Spanish?  How about no mas?”
Everything in parenthesis above is from Rush Limbaugh. I have just bolded the specific laws mentioned in the text which are either identical or very similar to immigration laws in China, where I currently spend most of my time. I am accustomed to this type of system dealing with immigrants, and it is amazing how different that America (generally) acts towards those who choose to immigrate and live within her borders.
In all honesty, I would much rather see countries like China, Peru, and Mexico change their laws to more resemble ours in America, than see America tighten up to the extreme seen in most of the world. It would definitely make it much easier for missionaries to live and work in a nation such as China if they adopted American-style immigration laws!