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Here’s a (slightly edited) update from our good friend Denny Green, sharing some of his experiences during the last 10 days of travel and Gospel seed-sewing:
Please continue to pray for Gabriel and I as we distribute Gospel literature in northwestern China.  Most days include many hours of bus rides and not much sleep.  Much literature is going out so pray for those who read it.
All has been going well. Two nights ago, Gabriel and I were [distributing tracts in] lots of dark alleys in an area with much housing. After we had worked for approx. 2 hours, we walked toward the end of one of the alleys and a man and woman turned into the end that we were heading toward. We turned around and headed in the opposite direction. 
The couple followed us out to the main street. We crossed the street and [the man] began to yell at us. We ignored and after a while crossed to the other side again. They followed.  We jumped in a cab and went about 4 or 5 blocks before getting out to continue our work.  
After about ten minutes we noticed that a cab was slowly following us at a distance.  We turned a corner and then down an alley and the cab followed.  We walked past a road obstruction and the couple got out of the cab to follow us on foot again.  We jumped in another cab and as we pulled away, the couple jumped into a cab to pursue.  
With a little distance between us, the pursuing cab didn’t see us do a U-turn around a corner and head back toward them.  We passed them and directed the cab to our hotel where we quickly hopped out and entered without being seen.
All praise to YHWH for His protection and help!
For China and the Savior who spilled His blood for her,

3 responses to “Midnight Chase in China”

  1. My witness a
    nd prayer request

    My witness:

    My name is Kondepaga Benjiman belonged to Jaggapuram village. I lived
    in the sins in my youth and unaware of God. Beloved god servant
    Bethapudi Devadanam who had been to my village in the year 1982, Nov
    10th to preach the Gospel. That made me to attend the prayer meeting.
    He spoke that the wages of the sin was death and told about salvation
    and added that Jesus Christ was died on the cross for me .and also
    explained about external life. As he referred Romans 8:1,No
    condemnation to those who are in JESUS CHRIST. Then I confessed my
    sins by this word of God .Then I was baptized and strengthened by his
    leading according to Ephe 6:7 .Then, there was a clear call from JESUS
    to do the ministry. I thank God for saving me. I have been doing His
    ministry by having great burden towards many souls. Everyday I train
    and send many people for His service.

    My request:

    As we have the great burden towards the earning souls to do the
    ministry earnestly, for our team members (35-40). Pray and extend your
    Co-operation towards lending missionary tools like . Bibles,
    Pamphlets, Sound system and one Gospel Bus.
    I request you humbly to come to my place and preach among us and see
    the harvest in our area .I pray for you and your ministry.

    Thanking you with prayers,
    Benjiman ministries,
    Edlapadu mandal,
    Guntur dist-522233.
    India. cell no: 919618620546.
    Click here to Re

  2. Missionaries do not need to tell Buddhist monks about religion. Buddhists are non-sectarian and include every sentient being in their vast compassion and so they will not reject anyone who goes to their monasteries. Perhaps, if missionaries sat and listened to what the monks have to say about their experience of Buddhist practice and their religion, missionaries might be quite surprised to find that actually there is much they could learn from them. I am a student of Sogyal Rinpoche and have been experiencing first hand from this authentic Tibetan master, Buddhist wisdom and teachings which have deeply transformed my life. Before people think they need to change something, they should first investigate what it is they are trying to change!