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Tomorrow looks to be a busy day. The electricity has finally been connected to our new apartment and we are ready to get all of our stuff moved in.

Last week we were not even sure we would be moving. Our contract was going to run out on the 9th of September with the apartment we had been renting, but we were only going to move if we found something much nicer, closer to the river (and the River Park!), and on more of a main street. I went looking one afternoon this week and within a few hours we were looking at an amazing answer to prayer.

The apartment that we have rented is much larger than the one we are currently living in. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and an extremely large living room that will give Gabriel tons of room to play in! It has an unbelievable view of the valley and the surrounding mountains. On a clear day we are going to be able to easily sit in our living room and see a number of snow-capped peaks in the distance to our south.

Please just pray that tomorrow goes smoothly as we move in to our new place. Pray that we would have opportunities to share with our new neighbors from the very beginning of our time in our new building!