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"Wrestling with an Angel" is likely to make you cry…a lot! Even though I had already read some of the stories shared in this book (on Greg's blog), and despite the fact that I am not normally a very emotional person, I was still brought to tears again and again as I read each chapter!

"Wrestling with an Angel" is a very quick and easy (if your tears don't slow you down) read, but oh, so worth it! Maybe I'm a bit prejudiced towards liking this book because I have spent countless hours with kids very much like Jake doing many of the same things that Greg describes having to do for his son. With every chapter, I kept seeing children's faces that that I know (or knew, since many have long passed away) from my time working as a nurse assistant at "The Children's Center".

Come to think of it, maybe that's one of the main reasons this book was written. Sure, primarily its the story the many grace lessons that God taught Greg through life with his son. But more than that, Greg shows us in this book how these same lessons of grace are there for all of us to learn wherever we find ourselves in life with whomever God has placed under our care.

I highly recommend this book for any Christian, especially those who have some connection to disabled people (and who doesn't?)!

I also want to go ahead and thank the author Greg Lucas in advance for the extra copies of this book that he is sending over to me in China as a Christmas gift. They will be used to bless other families that we know or work with. Thank you Greg, for this book, for your generosity, and for your prayers!

(Here is the best place to purchase this book!)