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My wife is due to give birth on October 27th, and we just found out today the sex of the baby.  In China, the Chinese doctors and nurses are forbidden to share the sex of the baby with the parents when having an ultrasound, for fear that the parents will decide to abort if they find out they are having a girl. So we went today to a hospital where a European doctor is on staff as a volunteer, and she was able to reveal the sex of the baby to us.
My wife is very excited, and although I am also excited, as a guy I would have preferred another boy! I absolutely adore my daughter Ariel, but since I am a guy (and I never had a little sister!), sometimes its hard to know what she wants or how to treat her like the girl that she is. It can be easy for a father to treat his daughter like a little boy, trying to get her to “play catch” or wrestle with daddy. 
However, we DO hope to have another boy someday. We have already been planning for a long time to have a total of 4 kids, but adopting the 4th instead of having another child ourselves. We decided that if we had a boy this time, then we would adopt a girl to make 2 boys and 2 girls. But if we had a girl this time (which we are!), then we would adopt a boy!

6 responses to “My wife just had an ultrasound, and it’s a…”

  1. Did you not know this yesterday when I talked with you? I am thrilled. Was the Dr sure? MOM

  2. Wow dude, that’s awesome! Can we vote on the name? (Like this is a democracy or something 😉

    Here are my initial favorites.


  3. I agree with Zack…how exciting….. We love you all sooo very much!!!!

    We would like to vote with the names Daniela and Lilianna. I hope that we will be able to see you…when you are in the states….love ya, candie

  4. Congratulations! It’s okay to play catch with a little girl and even teach them some other “little boy” things. After all, this is 2008, not 1908. 🙂

    And I vote for Isabel or Liliana.

  5. We are so excited for you. It will be great having another girl in the family! Elise is really happy!!