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I think a lot of us ‘Religious Right’ Republicans (those of us who are) probably worry much more about politics than what Jesus would if he were alive today. Whether or not the government is run by Democrats or Republicans does not affect in the least the simple duties that our Christian religion places in front of us each and every day.

We can still love our neighbor, share what we have with the poor, preach the Gospel to all creation, and walk as Jesus walked in every area of our life, even if we don’t happen to control Congress in a certain year.

The power of a government over its people is inherently limited. The power of Christ working through His Church (that’s you and me!) is without limit! If you want to change a nation… start with just one person. God has given you the responsibility to minister His Truth to your sphere of influence, whether it be your family, at work, at school, or in recreation.

Don’t worry about what you can’t change (there will always be Democrats and abortion-rights activists)… instead, follow the example of Christ and be His Light to your community. Let Him use you to bring Eternal Salvation to those around you! Nothing could be more important than that.

One response to “No Worries”

  1. I think I hear your heart but you seem to sound rather passive!! Jesus was not a passive person. He stood for truth and did it very forceful a time or two. This evil that is being developed out of the public which is also traing the children of the public schools.

    Walmart has not supporting this type of junk. But that is not problem thier are a lot of places to shop other than Walmart.

    The church has been the major force all these years to keep the filth under control. But the church today has placed it’s blessing or FAG’s today. We are having a war here in Wichita because Wichita has supported particial Birth Aborton 🙁

    We had a attn Gen. Phil Kline that -has attacked the obortion situation here but lost the election this year. That is very painful for me but it is not over till it is over. Partisal Birth Abortion is WRONG!!!!

    Oh, well you did not ask for all that ahve a good day.
    brother Damon