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Here is another question that I received via e-mail recently and my response. This question was also inspired by my post, “How My Understanding of God was Wrecked“:
After you had your understanding wrecked, did you find yourself out on the streets, preaching the gospel to passerbyers, in the mall, talking to anyone who would listen, or were you just more diligent to bring up the gospel in whatever context you were in, whether the bank, super market, etc.?

All of the above. When I began to understand the Gospel, and to see clearly that so few people truly had repented and knew Jesus Christ, then I began to witness to people almost constantly.
I couldn’t go anywhere without handing out good tracts, and I would try to share the Gospel with anyone and everyone I could… from the busboy at the restaurant, to the bank teller, to my high school teachers.
I don’t regret a moment of the time I spent (and still spend) doing such things, because the fact of eternity contrains me to seek and to save the lost while there is still time left. All other earthly pursuits are going to come to an end… but a soul that God saves will be saved for all eternity. There is absolutely no comparison!
If there is one thing that I truly miss about life back in the States, it is that I cannot openly share my faith all day, every day with the people that I meet! Here in China, you must be more ‘reserved’ in your evangelism for the sake of your own safety, and the safety of those with whom you are sharing. That kills me! I hate not being able to share the Gospel with everyone, as we have been commanded in the Great Commission.
Please consider purchasing one of the following books that will encourage you in your evangelism, as they have done in my life: