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Voting is not our most powerful weapon to fight abortion or gay marriage. Your vote
might make a difference, but only if many other people vote the way you do, and only if people then choose to obey the laws that are made. A complete ban on abortions is definitely going to make getting an abortion more difficult, but abortion will not disappear.

Do you want abortion to be completely abolished and gay marriage to be dropped as an issue? Does it break your heart to see such blatant evils praised as good and wholesome things? It does mine.

But my greatest weapon is not a political one. It is my personal witness for Jesus Christ. When the abortion-rights activists come to know Jesus, they will stop their murderous ways. When gay couples truly come to know the Jesus who reigns over all things, they will depart from the immorality that has them bound.

Jesus Christ is our Greatest Weapon against the evil around us. One person at a time, He is taking back enemy ground. Are we going to fight in His Heavenly Army, or are we going to fight in an army founded in this world only?

The choice is ours.