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As Autumn approaches up north, Spring has sprung south of the Equator. But the climate of spiritual oppression remains quite entrenched in both regions. For instance, public church gatherings (here in Peru) are still officially forbidden, although there are rumors of changes to come in the next month or two. In the meantime, some churches are finding creative ways to meet “unofficially” in homes, or on odd days of the week (ie, not Sunday). Neither is there clarity (yet) on how long it will be before we regain access to some of our key areas for outreach, including the Federal Prison and remote villages in the high Andes. 

In spite of the limitations, I am excited to say that God has continued to provide for a number of unique outreaches close to home on the coast of Peru. Continue reading for some recent Praise Reports and Prayer Requests…

No sooner did we make it up to cruising altitude (high enough to clear the nearly 20,000 ft peaks), then we began our “descent” to 11,500.

First Flight

On October 1, I took my first flight in over 7 months. After more than half a year living basically at sea level, I was a bit worried that I would struggle breathing at the high elevation (11,500 ft). But other than needing a good nap each afternoon, I felt pretty good. There were three fascinating things about this short hop into the Andes for ministry:

First, it was no doubt the shortest flight I’ve ever taken; just over 100 miles “the way the crow flies”! (In just half an hour you climb past the snow capped Andes and onto the altiplano)

Second, the flight didn’t cost much more than the bus fare! (albeit 10x faster)

Third, my destination (the small Andean city of Jauja) also happened to be the last place I visited before travel was shut down back in March, to teach at a missions conference.

The goals of the trip were simple: to encourage my friend John by delivering hundreds of good Gospel books for him to sell (and giveaway) at his Christian book store, and help him distribute food and Bibles to dozens of needy children and their families the following day. I was also able to roam around (freely!), give out lots of tracts, and share the Gospel with numerous folks, including a sharp old man, Gabriel, who will turn 101 (!) on Christmas day.

John is one of my first and best friends in Peru, and we helped keep each other sane during the 6+ months of lockdowns. Due to a bout of polio when he was 3 (1983) he is now handicapped (walks with crutches) and has also been suffering from some strange symptoms (headaches, numbness, loss of appetite) during the past several months. He is flying to Lima (his first flight ever!) next week to get checked out at a proper clinic. Pray for his safety and healing!

This was the second time we passed out groceries, Bibles, and tracts to children, church families, and the handicapped in this poor district.

Food (and Bibles) for the Hungry

In August and September, we continued to distribute (with the help of many local churches) literally TONS of food (rice, noodles, oats, tuna, sugar, milk, oil, etc) each month to help feed hundreds of needy families both in Peru and Venezuela (where believers are suffering from their nation’s socialist collapse). There have also been many opportunities to give away Bibles (and even preach) during these times of distribution! Although the nation’s economy is opening up a bit more, many people are still in great need. 

Pray that God would continue to provide for all those who are still suffering due to the economic effects from the lockdowns!

While momma dozed, this boy took a small donation and a Gospel of John from me at the stop light, and immediately started reading!

Sidewalk Evangelism

Although things are improving, there are still many poor and homeless begging and sleeping on the streets. We have been able to help these folks out in a variety of practical ways, but most importantly with New Testaments and the proclaimed Gospel! 

Our Cuban refugee friend, Michel, is back on his feet working two part-time jobs (no contract or job security, though). He arrived in Peru exactly a year ago, and greatly misses his wife and family back in Cuba. He’s been fighting depression by praying and reading the Word of God. Pray for his salvation! 

This elderly lady was selling candies out of her little bag when I gave her a New Testament (and a small gift). She immediately started reading!

Elderly Survivors in formerly Communist Romania

Just a little over a year ago our family spent an amazing weekend in Bucharest, Romania. As a long-time resident of Communist China, it is hard to describe the feeling of worshiping in a place that has successfully shed the yoke of Communism. Oh, God, please do the same for China!

Since the lockdowns began in March, in coordination with our Romanian friends, we have been helping the large elderly home that they oversee. Many urgent needs have been met, but there is much that is still undone. For instance, besides fuel for the cold Romanian winter ($3000), there are still ongoing needs for basic supplies like fresh bedding for new arrivals. Please talk to me if you’d like to help us care for these (nearly 100) elderly folks, most of whom are survivors of the decades-long Communist reign in Romania during the latter half of the last century. 

Dozens (out of nearly a hundred) living in Peniel Elderly Home in rural northwest Romania

Uphill Battle

In early November we are going to make our first attempt to drive back UP into the high Andes to visit some of the people and places that had been our primary focus coming into the year. 

Pray for safety on the highways, open roads into the neediest communities, and for soft hearts among all those who hear (or read) the Word that we hope to freely give away and proclaim!

The Andean foothills loom in the distance from the dusty “suburbs” of northern Lima

2 responses to “Peruvian Primavera”

  1. Praying ?? going up for you, to your previous family and teams that are working in various places. This is a great

  2. Sounds like we may have a mutual friend at Casa de la Biblia in Jauja. We’ll be praying for him as he goes to Lima for treatment. Praying for miracles and much, much more!
    Will be praying for Michael, too.