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The following e-mail I received regarding the latest edition
of John Piper's book "Desiring God" was really encouraging
to me! I hope you enjoy reading John's God-centered,
God-glorifying prayer requests as much as I did.


Twenty-five years ago John Piper wrote a book called
Desiring God. Multnomah Books has recently published
a 25th anniversary edition of the book, which includes
an updated introduction, appendices and supplemental
resources, and brief testimonials from readers
profoundly affected by Desiring God.

Here are some prayer requests that Pastor John has given
in answer to the question,“How are you praying that God
would use this new edition of Desiring God?”

Would you please join him, and us, in prayer?

  * that joy in Jesus would be created out of granite unbelief,

  * that the duty of Christian worship would be intensified with
    God-enthralled delight,

  * that believers would pursue their own Godward joy in the Godward joy of
    the unlovely,

  * that joyful and total submission to the inerrant Scriptures would

  * that believers would give themselves to prayer with the unwavering
    expectation that God will answer for their joy and his glory,

  * that Christians would lay up treasures for themselves in heaven not on
    the earth,

  * that marriage would magnify the self-sacrificing, self-nourishing
    covenant-keeping love of Christ for his church,

  * that followers of Jesus would embrace God-ordained suffering as the
    brief, embattled path to everlasting pleasure, and

  * that the church would spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all
    things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ.