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Great news and a wonderful answer to prayer! For no apparent reason, this morning we were only fined $75 instead of the original amount of $750. Thank you for your prayers on our behalf!

Whenever we have to deal with the po-lice, I am often reminded of the fact that they are also lost people in desperate need of a Savior. Often, workers in our ‘field’ do not treat the po-lice as they do normal civilians. They fear the po-lice instead of loving and praying for their salvation. They talk about and point out all their faults and many of the horrendous things that they have done, but without a spirit of grief and a desire that the po-lice would repent and come to a saving knowledge of Christ.

It has been said that po-lice force in this nation (easily numbering in the tens of millions) is one of the most unreached and ignorant people groups in the world in regards to the Gospel. Most of us are scared of the police and would never even think about sharing the Truth with them. Is that how things should be? Even at the risk of our own security, would it not be more Christ- like to do something that might bring the message of Salvation to the ears of these men and women?

Please help us pray for this very unique unreached people group!