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Yesterday I went hiking in the mountains shown in the picture.

It was a wonderful day that started out as a snowy winter wonderland and ended up a slightly warmer, sunny, spring afternoon.

The best part of the day was being able to commune with the Lord without any major distractions. One of the things I learned through my time with the Lord is that I need to adjust many of the things in my schedule. I need a priority check.

One of the things that will be changing is how much time I spend at the computer. In the past I have been quite occupied with designing our ministry websites and in keeping up with this blog. But these things are going to have to be put (at least slightly) aside so that I have time for more important things in my life, like my wife and kids, and sharing the Gospel with those around me.

So if it seems that my blog entries become more scarce in the coming months, you are right. I am most likely spending time with my family or with some local unsaved friends. Please pray for me!

One response to “Priority Check”

  1. I love to check your blog and to see inspiring pictures like this one. And how much more to see Gabriel learning to love and adore his beautiful sister. But I think that it is great that you are focusing on commwith God, your family and sharing with others. You have such an incredible life in the Lord. Press in, we are praying for you.