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Maybe its because I have spent so much time during the past few years among the ‘natives’ of other countries like China and Peru, but every time I am in the USA nowadays I feel a strong urge to take a trip to the nearest Indian Reservation to hang out with our ‘natives’, the Native Americans.

In reality, Native Americans in the USA do not live quite like the long lost tribal peoples of China or Peru, but there is still a drastic difference between mainstream American life and the life on a typical Indian Reservation in the USA.

I am fairly convinced that if God ever calls me to come back and live in the United States, that I will make my home somewhere near or in an Indian Reservation in order to share the Gospel and make disciples among the non-Christians there.

However, I have serious doubts that God is going to bring me back to the States anytime soon from sharing among the Muslims and Tibetan Buddhists of Asia. So my prayer is that God would raise up other laborers from among the millions of American Christians, to go and be missionaries among the natives of the USA, the Native Americans.