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We have just moved houses again for the third time in under two weeks. But today we are finally in the place where we will stay until Ariel is born.

Ariel (we know for sure that we are having a girl 🙂 is due to be born on April 6th, but my wife is feeling (and praying!) that she will come at least a little bit early. And now that we are in the city (and near the hospital) where we want to have the baby, my wife is much more relaxed.

The last few weeks we have been visiting different friends, and engaging in various business and ministry activities, in two other cities where we normally live. The city we are in now and where we will have Ariel is the commercial center for the whole region and the biggest city around. We normally only come here to buy things that we can’t get anywhere else, but now we are here for a few weeks waiting for the baby to come.

Praise God that at the last minute he has provided an apartment for us to stay at. Another family is out of town and has left their apartment available for other ‘like-minded’ brothers and sisters to use as needed. This is a huge blessing for us and keeps us from having to spend the weeks leading up to Ariel’s birth in a hotel or some place much smaller and less comfortable.

2 responses to “Ready for Ariel”

  1. I’m glad you guys are settled in, but could I please get a photo of Gabriel and Deysi! (and you, if you must haha) Love ya

  2. Congratulations on baby Ariel. Grandpa told us to come here it see his new granddaughter. This is new to me and I didn’t find her . Will you pleasedirect me to the right place?

    We Love you and hope everything is going to settle down now that you have a apartment that doesn’t leak.

    Please keep in touch.
