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I read an interesting quote from John Wesley this morning that speaks of the irony of saying that someone is a ‘real’ Christian, instead of just a Christian. Here is the quote:

“…the word Christian necessarily implies whatsoever is holy, as God is holy. Strictly speaking, to join real or sincere to a word of so complete an import, is grievously to debase its noble signification, and is like adding long to eternity or wide to immensity.”

For those of you who do not know much about John Wesley, he lived in England in the 1700s and is believed to have traveled in the course of his itinerant ministry more than 250,000 miles (mostly on horseback), and to have preached more than 40,000 times, on most of those occasions preaching outdoors wherever people could be found to listen to the Gospel.

There is a database of 141 of Wesley’s best-known sermons that can be read online. I highly recommend it! As a new Christian (at 16 years old) I was challenged immensely by many of these sermons: