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Dear Friends & Family,

First of all, I want to thank all of you for your continuing thoughts and prayers even when months go by sometimes without you getting a good update from us. Thank you!

The past few months have been very busy for us. We have had a lot of things going on so here are a few quick notes to get you up to date:

– Brother Jose & his wife Eloisa (both from Mexico) rejoined us in China in October. They are joining Brother Christian, from Peru, to work in our restaurant and continue ministering  in that remote place.


– We have had dozens of young people visit our region during the months of October, November, and December, with more coming in January. These groups have joined with us in the ministry and have also helped us out in many, many ways.


– We recently had a whirlwind visit to the USA and Peru (mostly Peru!), thanks to some cheap (and free!) airfares. Our 5 weeks in Peru was the longest amount of time we had spent with my wife’s family since we were married in 2004. We had a great time ministering to my wife’s unsaved family! Pray for them! 


– The restaurant that we founded in the spring continues to provide us with visas to live here in China. We are getting ready to open our 2nd restaurant this coming spring in another very remote and unreached location.


– Our son Gabriel just turned 2 on December 22nd and our daughter Ariel will be 9 months old tomorrow (Dec 26) (see for some recent family pics!).


That just about brings us up to the current time. We are currently very busy with some good friends visiting us for the holidays. We will be visiting many places and trying to share the Gospel with many old friends and new people in the coming days and weeks.  Please keep us in your prayers!


We really do thank all of you for taking the time to think of us!


Blessings in Him,


Eugene & family


PS. I encourage everyone to tune in to whenever you get the chance. It is a daily dose of encouragement and practical teaching on how to evangelize your world, wherever you may be.