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A pastoral response to Velvet Elvis

Pat Abendroth, the Senior Pastor of Omaha Bible Church, wrote a helpful review of Rob Bell’s book Velvet Elvis. Due to Bell’s increased popularity, I wanted to share it with you. You will  find the first paragraph of the article below, and you can read the rest of the article at the following link:

Time magazine recently called Rob Bell (pictured below) “The Hipper-Than-Thou-Pastor”.
(Thurs, Dec. 06, 2007)  This, along with the fact that his influence seems to only be growing, led me to read his book Velvet Elvis. Since it has been done, there seems to be little need for  a comprehensive book review. But as I read Velvet Elvis I became personally motivated to do my part and duty as a pastor and expose some of the dangerous content lurking behind Bell’s hip veneer…

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Rob Bell