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Please watch this short 3 minute video clip!
If you don’t understand this, then you don’t truly understand anything!!!

4 responses to “Sickened By The Ugliness Of Their Own Sinfulness”

  1. My son, then at 5 years old asked me, “Dad, am I a good kid?”

    I could give him what is true in my mind is that, yes, he is a great kid who never causes me any issue or grief and who never gets into trouble. That is what defines ‘a good kid’ by world’s standards.

    Or I could tell him what is true: that we are all bad people. We are all people who think we do do good things but we really don’t. Even still, some people do less bad things thinking they are good.

    As an adopted son of the Most High God, I had to reveal to him what is truth.

    His face and heart broke before my eyes. With his face flooded with tears, he cries out, “Daddy, I don’t want to be bad.”

    With tears pouring down my cheeks and absolute joy and gladness, I boldly proclaimed, “Let me tell you about what my God did to make us good so that we can always be with him forever and ever and never die.”

    I didn’t have to lead my son through a “sinner’s prayer”. I didn’t have to because I can’t find it in the bible. I know, in that moment, that the sovereign grace of the Father through the bloodshed and broken body of Christ Jesus by the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit decided to save my son on that very day.

    May we all know that we are not good and we do not seek after God. The truth is that our loving beautiful God seeks after us and finds us in middle of our sinfulness.