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Chinese New Year, also known in China as the Spring Festival, is thought to be the bearer of warmer weather and the start of the new year and the coming of spring here in China.

Last week did bring us more spring-like weather. It was sunny and so warm that you could almost just wear a t-shirt in the afternoons.

I mentioned to a good friend the other evening, just after he arrived back in town, that the weather is warming up. Then came Friday.

Friday it drizzled all morning until late afternoon, when the snow began to fall. It was never heavy, but steady. It fell all night and by this morning (Saturday) it had covered everything with 2 1/2 inches of powder.

So today, although it was quite slippery on the roads, we had a beautiful day of white. The air quality has been so poor in recent days and weeks, that hopefully this moisture in the form of drizzle and then snow has been able to clear out of the air most of the dust and pollution.

In case you are wondering why not very many of these posts deal directly with spiritual matters of the ministry, it is for security reasons. It is often very hard to share a little bit about exactly what we do, without saying too much.

So much of what I share is just about our daily lives. Just know that we are always at battle in the spiritual realm and that we always need your prayers to continue forward in this place both sharing and growing ourselves in Jesus Christ!