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Over the years I have had numerous conversations with friends and fellow missionaries about how few true ‘Special Forces’ missions operations exist in the world of engaging unreached people with the Gospel.

More often than not, modern-day missionaries are encouraged by their sending organizations (along with concerned family and friends back home) to ‘be careful’ and ‘have fun’ rather than to ‘go anywhere and do anything’ to bring Jesus to the world.

A while back, I came across the official prayer of the South African Special Forces Brigade, and I would like to share that with you today just as I found it, title and all:


Heavenly Father, King of the world,
I know that all things are in Your hands,
whatever happens to me.

As a Special Forces Operator,
I am prepared to suffer hardship.
I am ready to endure danger, unrest, pain and hurt.
I am going to be hungry and thirsty.
I am prepared to face the enemy fearlessly, Lord.
I am weak.
I cannot depend upon my own strength;
I do not want to trust in my own abilities.

Lord, my God,
Let me trust in You alone.
And, above all,
faith to do my work fearlessly
– always.


When was the last time you heard a missionary, or Christian of any stripe, pray like that? 

Much more is at stake for Christian missionaries than merely fighting an earthly war or protecting a homeland. We are battling for the eternal souls of billions of people who have been taken captive by the Enemy of Righteousness. If any kingdom should have a ministry of “Special Operations”, it should be the Kingdom of Christ.

So what will it be?

Who is ready to walk (or drive) for days across the Tibetan Plateau to reach one roaming tribe of nomads?

Who will risk their lives smuggling scriptures into the world’s most closed and Christian-hating nations, such as North Korea or Iran?

Where are the Christians who will sacrifice enough time and money (and comfort) to SEND fellow church members, friends, or even their own family as missionaries to the world’s remaining “hard places”?

This is not a hypothetical question. God has already given us the clearest of commands:

“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15

“Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations” Luke 24:46-47

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

As we meditate on the words of Jesus and come to grips with the importance of His calling, I suggest we step out in faith and dare to pray along the lines of one of the official prayers of the British SAS:

“Oh Lord, Who didst call on Thy disciples to venture all to win all men to
Thee, grant that we, the chosen members of the Special Air Service Regiment,
may by our works and our ways dare all to win all and, in so doing, render
special service to Thee and our fellow men in all the world, through the
same Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.”




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