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Is Over!!!
We finally have our visas in hand, but not without a final twist to the plot. Instead of being granted visas with validity for 1 full year, we were only granted 6 months.
This is not too big of a deal. We will just have to get our visas renewed again only 6 months from now, instead of having a year to rest and not worry about it anymore.
On a very serious note, please pray that we would have wisdom in the coming weeks and months. We have a number of people who are soon planning to join us on the field here in Asia’s Highlands, and we have to be very careful where we place them and what type of visa they will be able to successfully apply for.
There are some chances that we will have to take with our company in order for us to provide some of these people with visas, and we are willing to do so for the sake of the Kingdom. Just please pray that we would have wisdom!
As a business, we are going to lose well over $10,000 this year as a result of the Tib-etan riots that took place back in the spring. If anyone wishes to donate business capital to us, you are welcome to do so! With just $10,000, we can open up 3 new cafes in strategic unreached areas of Asia’s Highlands. Please also pray for the business finances, because the business exists for the Kingdom!