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Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of GodI just finished reading John Piper's latest book, "Think". It was released in early October, right around the time that the Desiring God 2010 national conference was held, and focused on the same theme; the life of the mind and the love of God.

I must admit having (rather foolish) doubts earlier this year when I first heard about the topic of the conference (and the accompanying book). Its not that it seemed uninteresing, or unhelpful, as a topic. Its just that I couldn't imagine that there was enough that could be said about "the life of the mind" and "the love of God" to fill three days of preaching, much less an entire book! I remember honestly wondering what in the world Piper was going to preach and write about.

Well, now I know. The Bible is literally full of teaching on "the life of the mind and the love of God"!. I can heartily recommend "Think" as a book that goes far beyond what my mind (which admittedly lacks much imagination) thought was possible in dealing with this topic. I can truly say that I'll never think about thinking the same after reading this book.

Here are two of the passages that I highlighted in my first time through the book (and it won't be my last!), just to give you a sample of the helpful points Piper is making:

"We cannot love God without knowing God; and the way we know God is by the Spirit-enabled use of our minds. So "to love God with all your mind" means engaging all your powers of thought to know God as fully as possible in order to treasure him for all he is worth." (Think, pg 90)

"God is not honored by groundless love. In fact, there is no such thing. If we do not know anything about God, there is nothing in our mind to awaken love. If love does not come from knowing God, there is no point in calling it love for God. There may be some vague attraction in our heart or some unfocused gratitude in our soul, but if they do not arise from knowing God, they are not love for God." (Think, pg 90)

I heartily recommend this book for all Christians.

If you don't enjoy thinking, then this book will show you why you should enjoy thinking for the glory of Christ!

If you do delight in thinking and using your mind rigorously, this book will show you how to channel that passion into fanning the flames of your love for Jesus!

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