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I saw “Fireproof” this afternoon and I highly recommend it! I already had high expectations coming in, but the movie went far beyond what I had hoped. The movie excelled in many ways, especially in dealing with tough issues like failing marriages, pornography, selfishness, our need for God’s forgiveness through Christ.
However, what I was suprised to find (and honestly, had not expected), was that this movie is funny! Numerous times the audience burst into hearty laughter, only to be brought to tears within minutes by the deeply touching and emotional scenes that followed. Never before have I seen a movie swing from the hysterical to the serious so quickly, so often, and so naturally. 
(I will admit, however, that I am not a big movie-goer, so there could easily be a few out there.)
Please go and see this movie. I can’t imagine how you would regret doing so. I honestly think you will be touched no matter who you are. I am so glad that this movie exists, so that it will forever be available as a gift that I can give to a friend who is in a struggling marriage or to anyone who struggles with selfishness (who doesn’t!).