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After my last blog, which I posted just an hour or so ago, I was a bit frustrated with myself for not having somehow talked more about Jesus. Although the subject of missions and our calling to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth is something of utmost importance, it still should never be separated from the person of Jesus Christ.
To “do missions” and forget about the reality of the One who has bought us with His own blood and is the beginning (the foundation) and the end (the eternal goal) of all our missions work, is to miss the whole point.
So I am going to take a few minutes and try to share with you why Jesus is the only Way. After all, if we do not believe that Jesus is the only way to God, then what is the point of missions?

C.S. Lewis said, “I believe in Christianity as I believe in the sun; not because I see it, but because by it, I see everything else.”
If you could to prove to me that the Bible was full of errors, that we had no reason to trust that Jesus ever walked on the earth, and that the ‘theory’ of evolution was a fact, I would still believe in Jesus Christ. Why?
Because I am a changed person. Because my heart has been regenerated by the Spirit of the Living God. I cannot deny this. I now see the world through the lens of a heart that has been forgiven and forever changed by the power of Jesus Christ. You could show me a million proofs against Christ, and I would laugh in your face. He saved me. He forgave me. He made me into a new creation.
You see, no other worldview or religion can answer the big questions. The facts are simple: 1. we are radically depraved as human beings, 2. we have no hope for salvation unless some goodness reaches in from the outside and saves us
All other religions and worldviews will reject one or both of the previous statements. They will either say that we are not so depraved as we think, or that we can ‘improve ourselves’ through a variety of means.
But this cannot be. I know so. Because I see the world as man who was bound for hell, but who has been re-made by God (born-again) and fit for Heaven. I speak as an eye witness. Christianity is true! Jesus is the only Way! I have seen it work. I have experienced His power. He saved me!