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One of the most frustrating things about living in China is that I am always half way around the world from the people that are constantly praying for us and who support us financially. I really feel a ‘gap’ in communication even though we have the ability to ‘communicate’ via e-mail or telephone on a daily basis.

The problem is that it is way too easy to put up a facade in an e-mail or even over the telephone. The best communication is done in person, where you are not only talking to the other person, but also looking at them, hearing their tone of voice, and watching their body movements. This aspect of talking ‘face to face’ with friends, family, and supporters is out of the question for those of us making our home overseas. Hence the feeling that there is a ‘gap’ in communication.

Is there any way around this problem? Any way to make it less of an issue? Is there any way to write a blog in such a way that thoughts, feelings, ideas, etc… are more transparent and less hidden behind the facade of a short e-mail or phone call?

I want people to know what we are really thinking, feeling, and experiencing as we do missions here in Asia. There needs to be more openness and vulnerability on my part as I write and share. I don’t want to feel awkward having to share financial needs or asking for help. I want to be able to share openly and directly about what we are seeing here on the field, what we are feeling as a family and ministry, and what we really need in order to make our work effective.

That is what I long for! Real communication between us and those whom we love and depend on to keep us on the field as missionaries. That is how things should be, right? That is what the Body of Christ is. I hope that this blog can help facilitate that.

Brother Eugene